My natural reaction, when it comes to with those things called men, is to let the other girl win, (assuming there is another girl).
I don't like head-to-head competition. Maybe it's that I'm scared to lose. Or maybe it's that I think it's petty and pointless.
Either way, I tend to take the route of becoming really good friends with that guy, figuring that he'll only ever see me as that, but hoping that someday, when the other girl breaks his heart, he'll realize that I'm better for him than she ever was.
Because I was there.
Because I knew him better.
Because I never took him for granted.
And maybe he'll start to see me as the kind of friend that lasts forever.
{ Now, I could end this post right now. But you would all think that I haven't learned anything from this way of thinking, or from the past few almost loves I've had. }
But that way of thinking is a dream.
It's the exception, not the rule (to quote "He's Just Not That Into You.")
It's selling myself short because I'm too scared of what might not be.
I think I've been too passive, in an attempt to not be overbearing, when it comes to those things called men. I see girls that are like that, and wonder why they just don't get that the guy they want is, well, just not that into them.
I never thought that maybe they look at me and wonder why I never go after what I want.
I have to remind myself that I don't just
deserve to be fought for, but that I owe it to myself to fight at least a little bit for who I want.
Because he's worth fighting for, or even fighting over.
And how is anyone supposed to know who I am or what I have to offer, if I never show them or tell them or give them a little bit of myself?
I'm really good at being "the friend." I know that.
But it's comfortable. Maybe too comfortable.
Maybe it's time to start giving myself credit.
It's a little exercise in confidence.
It's a little exercise in trusting my heart.
It's a little exercise in hoping for the best.
Throwing away the safety net.
Forgetting about Plan B.
And leaping into the unknown,
heart pounding,
fingers shaking,
but with gusto and faith.
{Thoughts? I'm interested to see what people think about this whole "fighting for what you want" thing. So comment. Because who doesn't love comments?)