Sometimes I wish I could collect moments like pennies and keep them safely in little glass jars on wooden shelves, to open anytime I please and just, remember and relive...
the smell of a ten year old birthday party...
a first kiss in the summer moonlight...
a first kiss in the summer moonlight...
or better yet, the 2-hour conversation that led to that first kiss...
an unexpected compliment...
my grandparents still holding hands after 58 years...
the song of a first dance...
butterflies in my stomach...
a really good cry...the complete ease of being around people who love you...
the guys I have met in my life that make me go weak at the knees...
the feeling of new friendships...
a perfect day, which consisted of nothing more than just being together...
warm summer nights, where both romances and secrets blossom...
the innocence of youth, before we all cared about being "cool"...
pure, undeniable, hope for the future...
*oh dave matthews...you make my heart happy
photo via deviantart
I've really liked a lot of your recent posts (and old ones too, but especially some of your recent ones) and feel like I want to comment, but they're just so perfect there's nothing I can add or comment on. I feel all I can say is "Amen."
Keeping memories like saving pennies makes me think of Harry Potter and silvery, stringy memories they'd save to later view in the pensieve. And Harry Potter is a good memory that I'd like to save like a penny :-)
Speaking of which, the CAPTCHA to post this comment is "lumina" which also makes me think of HP!
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