
The Graduated Life

Apparently it takes major life events for me to feel inspired to write, but I've officially transitioned from saying "I'm studying Advertising..." to "I studied Advertising at BYU."

BYU was so good to me. I came to Provo as a freshman with a bit of an attitude not expecting to graduate from here. I thought I'd end up finishing school in Oregon or California, but I'm so glad I stayed.  It's been a fantastic experience, and it's hard to imagine college without the wonderful people with whom I've spent the past five years.

There are so many people who helped me get where I am today, and I would not be the same person without them.

Major shout outs to the boys next door, Hilamonster and the El Sal crew, the whole Adlab gang & creative trackies, the ballroom dancers, and the best roommates a girl could ask for (yes, all you now married ones).

To all my friends, faculty, family members, and church leaders, you are the best. Thank you for the time and effort you put into helping me fulfill my dreams and for believing in me even when I have doubted myself.

Here's to the chapter of life that includes real work not homework, exploring a new city, and true independence: scary and exciting as that may be.

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