
father's day

I am the proud daughter of a pretty great dad. In my small-ish town, when people who knew my father would ask if I was "Bruce Coalwell's daughter," I would always smile and reply "Yes, I am."

When I was little, he would take my sister and I to the park on Sunday afternoons for daddy-daughter dates. After choir concerts we'd go get peppermint candy ice cream and celebrate. And when I was in middle school, I'm pretty sure he got up earlier than he would have liked to so he could drive me to school and I wouldn't have to take the bus.

Over the years, as I've grown up a little bit, he has become one of my closest friends, too. Major decisions and concerns are always accompanied by good conversations with my dad. He reassures me that I'm still young enough to take risks and that if I fail, he'll be there to catch me.

And that my dreams are just as important to him as they are to me.

Through all my adventures and mishaps, successes and moments of doubt, he is a constant I can always rely on.

I hope the future father of my children, whoever he may be, has the kind of commitment, integrity and patience that my dad has.

Thanks, dad for all you do. I love you!

image via this

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