It's 2006!! Crazy...Like LL said...this year has gone by way fast. 2006 is the year I turn 18...ahh..I don't want to grow up. Pretty soon I'll be in a rockin chair..knitting pin cushions....ah! Lol. Well 2005 was a pretty good year. I mean every year has it's ups and downs, but this one was pretty good. I feel like I have a larger circle of friends...and of close friends. I don't know how much I've changed, as a person. Maybe I'm more outgoing. I think maybe I don't worry so much anymore. Especially about how I look. (I mean I still worry about that, I'm a girl lol...but hopefully not as much as before.) And I'm still workin on not caring what people think, but maybe I'm getting better at it. Who knows. I know that I've grown stronger church-wise this year, that my faith has been strengthened.
Well who knows what this year will bring. Hopefully something good:D. Thanks to all my friends, for bein there for me. Thanks for all the good times we had this year, especially this summer. Continue the memories this year and make it AWESOME!! Love you all so much!! -♥Laura
2019: so far, so good
6 years ago
know what sucks? 2006 means the start of our senior year... how am i going to survive?! im going to be in tears all year long when thinking about graduation, and moving away... ahhh! cant live without my neighbor! okay. whew. let's make this an awesome year :)
yeah definitely! we need to make it AMAZING...gosh..don't get me started...I know I'll be bawling like ALL year..:( ♣ (just thought I'd throw that in there)
it added a nice touch :)
This year really has gone amazingly fast. I agree that you now focus less on being and looking perfect all the time. bravo girlie. :D I still cant beleive that we have cars and our liscenses but soon we'll have our GEDs! lol... well most of us that is... ;) I hope we stay friends through college and after! I cant wait till the day when i find out that you got married to his awesome morman man and are moving to Utah or something. hehe. luv ya lots sweetie! - sarah
"I agree that you now focus less on being and looking perfect all the time."
yet she manages to look perfect all the time anyway...*sighs* crazy how that works, isnt it? blah.. i agree with sarah.. where the heck did time go?! i wish i was back at hucrest...:(
p.s. what the?! you didnt comment on my lj...heheh jk
Hey girlies:D thanks for the comments:D Thanks sarah..and laura...I do NOT look perfect all the time, me I have days where I look like crap. who doesn't? you both tons:D! bubye
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