Hello all,
Yeah I know I haven't posted in a LONG time. Well Girls camp (church camp) was a blast! I had a great time. And then I went to California. Got a little tan:D. That was fun. I love the beach and the sun. I'm a california girl at heart, I think I got that from my mom. It was fun to hang out with all my cousins and stuff too. My cousin Billy is so fun. He's like 26 and is married. He and his wife Mandi are lots of fun. They brought their friend Darcy too. He cracks me up. He's like David Spade's TWIN. It's crazy. He's such a goofball.
Yeah and grafitti (gosh I can never spell that word, soo frustrating) is tonight. It should be fun. My mom always tells me how "Roseburg" I am. lol So what if Fair and Grafitti night are the highlights of my summer. I'm not TOO much of a redneck. hehe. Yeah well this post isn't too long I'll maybe write more later:D Love to all! xoxo peace;) -Laura
2019: so far, so good
5 years ago
Thought I'd drop by and say hi so... Hi!
Laura-thanks for the reassurement yeah I dont think that's a word but oh well. We'll get slurpies instead of kettle korn:)
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