Alright so life has been pretty good lately. I hope that didn't jinx things for me. It's not like anything big or exciting has happened, I guess I'm just content with where I am, and who I am right now. I love my friends, family, church, and everything. I'm feeling really great. Hmm I think I'm gonna make a list of random stuff that I want to do sometime in my life. Well here goes:
1. Go to Europe.
2. Fall in love.:)
3. Learn to like vegetables. (can't live on carrots and corn forever haha)
4. Learn to speak Spanish, and other languages, fluently.
5. Go to New York and see Broadway.
6. Sing/dance/perform in front of a huge crowd and knock em dead!:D
7. Save money and use it for a good cause.
8. Make a difference in someone's life.
9. Learn how to ballroom dance. (swing, latin, etc.)
10. Learn to cook.
11. Learn to play an instrument.
12. Go on a spontaneous road trip with no destination in mind.
13. Go skinny dipping...haha (no boys don't worry).
14. Dance in the rain. (I'v already done this but I will continue to do so:D)
Alright so there you go..there's a little list..14 things. Enjoy:D! peace-Laura
ps: comment!!:D
2019: so far, so good
5 years ago
I've commented. :D
P.S. You shoudl make a list of the things you want to do while still in high school. I've done that, and it's really cool to be able to check things off.
Thanks guys for both your comments!!
Laura-yeah I've been wanting to take those salsa lessons forever but I could never find any guys. We'll have to convince like peter and alex..haha just kidding!!
Mally X!-Good Idea I'll have to try that.
latin dancing, eh?
P.S. I commented
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