
road trip, anyone...?

I have professed my love for Carbon Leaf on this blog at least once before.
But did you know that they are touring with another one of my loves?:
Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers
Well, they are.
And they will be playing in:
Denver, CO
Sept. 25th
at 8pm.
It's a Friday.

Which I think is perfect for a slightly irresponsible weekend roadtrip!

Who's with me?!
It's less than an 8 hour drive from you-know-where.

Also, check out the bands:

And for a brief introduction to any newbies, youtube/playlist/imeem these songs:

Carbon Leaf: Life Less Ordinary, Love Loss Hope Repeat, Let Your Troubles Roll By

SK and the 6ers: Maria, You've Changed, Shady Esperanto and the Young Hearts
Oh man. I can just imagine them live.


dramaspice said...

I'm In I'm In!!! :D

meg fee said...

oh i've needed new good music, thanks for the specific recommendations and is say go go go for the trip!